

欢迎来到我们全新月度视频系列 Kickstarter 官方项目更新的第二集。

就像 Kickstarter 创新者通过他们自己的项目更新分享将他们的项目变成现实的旅程一样,在这个系列中,我们将分享我们建设 Kickstarter 的旅程。

自从我担任 Kickstarter CEO 职位已经过去了一个多月。在这段时间里,我看到了很多让我对未来充满乐观的事情。我有机会与许多创作者和支持者会面,他们的见解、热情和慷慨让我感到惊讶。

我看到了许多我们可以在其中成长和改进的领域,在进入 2023 年时,我对我们正在制定的战略感到非常兴奋,以便为我们平台上的每个人改善体验。


我们将在下个月再次回来,带来另一个 Kickstarter 项目更新。在那之前,欢迎随时在其他社媒上联系我——我很期待听到您的声音!


Hey everyone!

Welcome to the second episode of our new monthly video series, Kickstarter Project Updates. Just as Kickstarter creators share the journey of bringing their projects to life through their own Project Updates, in this series, we share the journey of how we’re building Kickstarter.

It's been a little over a month since I started my new role as Kickstarter's CEO. In that time, I've seen so much that's made me optimistic about the future. I've had the opportunity to meet with many creators and backers, and I've been amazed by their insight, passion, and generosity.

I see a lot of areas we can grow and improve on, and as we move into 2023, I'm really excited about the strategy we're working on to improve experiences for everyone on our platform.

Check out the video for details on all this, plus news and updates about all the cool things we've been working on recently (like the new features we've just released to help creators market their projects more effectively).

We'll be back again next month with another Kickstarter Project Update. Until then, please feel free to reach out to me on Instagram and Twitter—I love hearing from you.



